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"I am making over $200 a month" - Araon E.
"I just signed up yesterday, weee" James S.
"Thank you I SPY PLATES $300 a month" Alice
"It is so easy to do this!!" Kenneth M.

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Get paid to Receive text messages.

Yes its true, you can get paid to receive text messages to your mobile phone. No more writing down plates or having to do things that are just too much work. You can make money from doing absolutely nothing! This is not a joke, it's not fake or a scam and thousands of people are already doing it across the United States.

Pay me for text message? Why?

Over 90% of all text messages are read instantly by the recipients. This makes mobile marketing the wave of the future.

You do not have to buy anything or even click the links that are sent to your phone. You will get paid even if you don't read the message. You can unsubscribe at anytime if you want to opt-out.

Get paid for your friends too

Thats right, if you refer a friend you will also get paid for their text messages as well as yours. This turns this into a huge opportunity to make money. We have seen people making over $3,000 a month just for doing nothing. They mentioned the pay to get text messages program to a few friends, they told a few friends and before they knew it they were raking in big bucks for absolutely nothing.

Who will send me text messages?
Various companies such as groupon, mcdonalds, and many more large companies will be sending you great deals all while you get paid to receive them. This is the easiest way to earn residual income for the rest of your life. Get into this as soon as you possibly can. You can join right now by texting cashtexts 37377 to the phone number 69302. This will instantly place you into the program AND give you your own code to send to your friends so you can begin earning money instantly!